Thursday, May 21, 2020

Effects Of Gender Discrimination On The Workplace

Review of Literature The 1960s, is most commonly known for the concept of â€Å"free love† and the anti-war movement, but this era also gave rise to another feminist movement and women flocked to the workforce en masse. Over half a century has passed and there is no argument that this country, our country has made great strides in the area of gender equality in and out of the workplace. With that being said things are still not equal. Women still on average make less than men for the same jobs. Even though they make up almost half of the workforce they are not treated as equals. What causes this blatant discrimination against the female sex? There are so many factors that add to gender discrimination on the workplace but it seems that gender†¦show more content†¦One of the reasons employers may rely on stereotypes in the workplace is due to something called the statistical discrimination model â€Å"employers know little about the potential productivity of early women entrants in previou sly male-dominated fields† (Noonan, Corcoran and Courant 866). This is a perfect example of gender bias, one of the many factors affecting the gender pay gap. In today’s world, more and more women are going to college and graduating with higher degrees. A dream of high paying salaries and advancement through their careers, but many also dream of having family as well. Sadly, this could hurt their career progress. Michele Hoffnung researches this subject in her paper, â€Å"Wanting It All: Career, Marriage, and Motherhood During College-Educated Women’s 20s. While not all women leaving College plan on having children, many do this is where the wanting it all mentality comes in. Hoffnung states that Although combining family and career has many benefits, it continues to have a negative impact on women s career progress(711). Hoffnung also states that there is a direct link between a woman’s career achievement and her number of children (711) This desire to have it all is just another element toShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Gender Discrimination On The Workplace1520 Words   |  7 Pagesrequire high concentration and l ong working hours. Eventually, it leads to poor health, strained social connections as well as low performance and engagement. Notably, the impacts and rate of depression development vary significantly between the genders. In fact, Legato Tucker (2005) argues that women are more prone to experience depression in comparison to men considering they experience hormonal fluctuations. 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